For my Final Project in my Color & Image class, we had to create a visually impacting image that discussed a social issue of the time. I chose to do civil liberties, as I believe it is an issue that is constantly infringed upon by people in positions of power. 

We were required to have the piece appear illustrative and hand-drawn, despite using graphics programs to create and manipulate it. I wanted to emulate the look of the a print-making project, so extra attention was paid to the line and textural quality of the final piece. The ink backgrounds were created by me, using my own printmaking ink.

Comments/critiques are always welcome!

Project completed in December 2016.
My preliminary ideation, along with the sketches used for the final project.
These were the ink textures I rolled out myself for the texture of the background. If you would like these textures, a high-quality pack of these can be provided for free upon request if you'd like them. :)
Before I settled on the red background, the first "finalized" version of the poster was blue. Below are background, textural, and typographic explorations of the poster before I settled on the final product. 
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