Fabric Banner Designs Created for 
UNT's Dept. of Chemistry
One of the many designs I did while working for Eagle Images, an in-house design and print shop owned by the University of North Texas. With this piece, I sought to exemplify my mastery of the UNT aesthetic and corporate design. 

I was provided the photos to work with, along with the color palette and wording. I was told to make the banner match the "UNT Aesthetic" and age well into the future. The banner would be used by the Chemistry Department anywhere they would have a presentation table or booth. 

Comments/critiques are always welcome!

All images & intellectual property belong to the University of North Texas.

Completed on March 9, 2018
I created 2 designs for the client, and had them pick which one they liked the best. We opted with the second design, which showed off the students & enforced the idea of the department more strongly.
I was provided photos to work with, and was given the parameters of make the banner "cohesive" with the UNT aesthetic.
These are the photos I was provided with to work with. The photo of the Eagle sculpture can be found on the UNT Stock Image website, here: 
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