For this typography project, we had to combine 2 typefaces that were assigned to us in order to create a "boy" and a "girl" type baby. Each "child" had to show more aspects of one typeface than the other.

The names we selected had to have no repeating letters, and show many different type forms. 

Comments/critiques are always welcome.

Completed in Fall 2016.
The preliminary sketches and text observations of the names and typefaces. I have several more pages of sketches I would like to scan and upload.
Subtle changes & exploration in my execution of "Claude." The main adjustments were done to the curves and angles of the half serifs. My final one is shown the largest.
Margot also went under lots of changes and adjustments, more noticeable ones than Claude. I struggled with finding a "G" and "T" that suited my needs,, but am glad I was able to settle on what I did.
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